Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are you there?

Hi. I really am here. For real! It's been a crazy few weeks and have not had time to do much of anything on the computer. When I am home after work I just want to crash and not look at another computer, since that is all I've been staring at all day. So here I am trying to blog. :)

Will and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 24th. It was fun! We rented a hotel in West Des Moines and saw Inception (good movie by the way). I love spending time with my husband. I'm so thankful for him!!!! He's the best. He puts up with my prego tiredness/crabbyness.. haha.

Today was Will's birthday. We had a wonderful day. We went for a walk and I made him banana pancakes this morning for breakfast. Here's a cute song about that:

Than our friend Abby watched Adelynn while we watched "The other guys" with Will Ferrill, it was funny! Than, we went to Joe's Crab shack. We had to wait a long time for our food so we got half off of our bill!!! It made it taste soooo much better!!:)

Now I'm ready to go switch the laundry and head to bed. I've gone to bed before 8:00 a bunch of times these past 2 weeks. I wish I could go to bed that early every night- seriously. Now, Will on the other hand, he could stay up until midnight and be fine.

I hope I can update this more in the future. Here's some pictures I took of Addy:

She loved this clippy.... now we can't find it. :(

This smile melts my heart...

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