Friday, August 20, 2010

When I grow up...

When I grow up I want to be this man:

I think I saw him walking on our street... he's like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who's This?

We've been married for 6 years (July 24)! Can you baweave it???

AND Addy is 2, well she's been 2 since March...

We also have another one on the way... life is going by fast, but I'm loving every one of the blessing God has given us!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are you there?

Hi. I really am here. For real! It's been a crazy few weeks and have not had time to do much of anything on the computer. When I am home after work I just want to crash and not look at another computer, since that is all I've been staring at all day. So here I am trying to blog. :)

Will and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 24th. It was fun! We rented a hotel in West Des Moines and saw Inception (good movie by the way). I love spending time with my husband. I'm so thankful for him!!!! He's the best. He puts up with my prego tiredness/crabbyness.. haha.

Today was Will's birthday. We had a wonderful day. We went for a walk and I made him banana pancakes this morning for breakfast. Here's a cute song about that:

Than our friend Abby watched Adelynn while we watched "The other guys" with Will Ferrill, it was funny! Than, we went to Joe's Crab shack. We had to wait a long time for our food so we got half off of our bill!!! It made it taste soooo much better!!:)

Now I'm ready to go switch the laundry and head to bed. I've gone to bed before 8:00 a bunch of times these past 2 weeks. I wish I could go to bed that early every night- seriously. Now, Will on the other hand, he could stay up until midnight and be fine.

I hope I can update this more in the future. Here's some pictures I took of Addy:

She loved this clippy.... now we can't find it. :(

This smile melts my heart...