Yesterday on the way to work we saw this truck and it had the name "Booker" on it. Will goes, " Do you remember Booker T Washington? What was he famous for?" All the sudden my mind went back to elementray, I believe it was 2nd grade. I recalled writing a book about Booker T Washington, I made pictures and everything. So I said, " I think he was famous for some type of education thing., we'll have to google it to be sure". I know, real intelligent, huh?
So we went on throughout our day doing our normal activities and started to go to bed. Will was checking his facebook on the ipod before bed, and I was like, "we need to find out about Booker T Washington!" So we did. This is what we found out....
"Booker T. Washington, 1856-1915, Educator. Booker Taliaferro Washington was the foremost black educator of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He also had a major influence on southern race relations and was the dominant figure in black public affairs from 1895 until his death in 1915. Born a slave on a small farm in the Virginia backcountry, he moved with his family after emancipation to work in the salt furnaces and coal mines of West Virginia. After a secondary education at Hampton Institute, he taught an upgraded school and experimented briefly with the study of law and the ministry, but a teaching position at Hampton decided his future career. In 1881 he founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute on the Hampton model in the Black Belt of Alabama."
I won't bore you with all of the details, but I was soo excited that I was right!!! I told Will I remembered drawing a picture of kids going to school with books in there hands. It was cracking me up. Here is what Booker T Washington looked like. (Side note: We think he looks like President Palmer from 24, maybe in a few more years)
Well anyway, one of the bios that we read said he was "negro" instead of black. So then I remembered that song by DC Talk "We are just two Hunks and a Negro.." Will didn't know what I was talking about so we looked it up on you tube. Come to find out the name of it is " We're just two HONKS and a NEGRO." Oh man! I was dying, my whole life I thought it was Hunks. We were dying of laughter. Here is the song:
I am at work, so the actual video was not working, so I hope this link works!
Happy Friday
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Will or Mose?
I bet most you didn't know that my husband is a TV Star... that's right.... Mose, from the Office. This was back in the day, of course.
This hair style was awhile back and I will say that I did tell Will that I liked it. So , it was partly my fault. And, I didn't think it looked that bad. :)
I love my Mose!
This hair style was awhile back and I will say that I did tell Will that I liked it. So , it was partly my fault. And, I didn't think it looked that bad. :)
I love my Mose!
Long weekend :)
This weekend we went to the Farmers Market downtown. It was a lot of fun. The only thing Adelynn wanted was an apple. She thought we were going to the "Little hands on the farm" from the fair. We tried to explain to her that this was a grown up farmers market. It was a beautiful morning for it. We did end up getting some apples, which are delicious! They are nice and crunchy, not soggy like some of the ones at walmart.
Here's some pics!
We would like to go again and just eat breakfast there. They had a ton of good breakfast foods! (That we didn't try)
It's kind of nice because I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday! I'm enjoying being able to keep the house clean and not be busy. I have a check up appointment for the baby on Tuesday morning, can't wait to hear her heartbeat again.
Here's some pics!
We would like to go again and just eat breakfast there. They had a ton of good breakfast foods! (That we didn't try)
It's kind of nice because I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday! I'm enjoying being able to keep the house clean and not be busy. I have a check up appointment for the baby on Tuesday morning, can't wait to hear her heartbeat again.
Friday, August 20, 2010
When I grow up...
When I grow up I want to be this man:
I think I saw him walking on our street... he's like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going
I think I saw him walking on our street... he's like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Who's This?
We've been married for 6 years (July 24)! Can you baweave it???
AND Addy is 2, well she's been 2 since March...
We also have another one on the way... life is going by fast, but I'm loving every one of the blessing God has given us!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Are you there?
Hi. I really am here. For real! It's been a crazy few weeks and have not had time to do much of anything on the computer. When I am home after work I just want to crash and not look at another computer, since that is all I've been staring at all day. So here I am trying to blog. :)
Will and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 24th. It was fun! We rented a hotel in West Des Moines and saw Inception (good movie by the way). I love spending time with my husband. I'm so thankful for him!!!! He's the best. He puts up with my prego tiredness/crabbyness.. haha.
Today was Will's birthday. We had a wonderful day. We went for a walk and I made him banana pancakes this morning for breakfast. Here's a cute song about that:
Than our friend Abby watched Adelynn while we watched "The other guys" with Will Ferrill, it was funny! Than, we went to Joe's Crab shack. We had to wait a long time for our food so we got half off of our bill!!! It made it taste soooo much better!!:)
Now I'm ready to go switch the laundry and head to bed. I've gone to bed before 8:00 a bunch of times these past 2 weeks. I wish I could go to bed that early every night- seriously. Now, Will on the other hand, he could stay up until midnight and be fine.
I hope I can update this more in the future. Here's some pictures I took of Addy:
She loved this clippy.... now we can't find it. :(
This smile melts my heart...
Will and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 24th. It was fun! We rented a hotel in West Des Moines and saw Inception (good movie by the way). I love spending time with my husband. I'm so thankful for him!!!! He's the best. He puts up with my prego tiredness/crabbyness.. haha.
Today was Will's birthday. We had a wonderful day. We went for a walk and I made him banana pancakes this morning for breakfast. Here's a cute song about that:
Than our friend Abby watched Adelynn while we watched "The other guys" with Will Ferrill, it was funny! Than, we went to Joe's Crab shack. We had to wait a long time for our food so we got half off of our bill!!! It made it taste soooo much better!!:)
Now I'm ready to go switch the laundry and head to bed. I've gone to bed before 8:00 a bunch of times these past 2 weeks. I wish I could go to bed that early every night- seriously. Now, Will on the other hand, he could stay up until midnight and be fine.
I hope I can update this more in the future. Here's some pictures I took of Addy:
She loved this clippy.... now we can't find it. :(
This smile melts my heart...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Oh no, I'm in trouble!
Adelynn is getting to that age where she will say anything to anybody whether it be nice or mean. I noticed it a lot today. Like, Will was helping her clean up after a meal and she goes, " You stinky daddy." He didn't stink at all, he actually smelled good. Maybe she meant stinky in a good way?
I took her to fazolli's for supper tonight and there was a girl about 7 or 8 that sat behind us. Addy and her were kind of talking to each other off and on. Well, the girl had gotten spaghetti sauce all over her mouth so Addy says "You have messy mouth!" The girl said, "No I don't!" She actually was getting mad at Adelynn. It was kind of funny. I reminded Addy that her mouth was messy as well.
Then, my mom had come over to watch her so I could go grocery shopping and when she was leaving Adelynn goes, "You suck grandma." What? Where did she get that from? We never say "You suck" around our house. Who knows. The things kids say.
Well hopefully her good looks will make up for the things she says. LOL
I took her to fazolli's for supper tonight and there was a girl about 7 or 8 that sat behind us. Addy and her were kind of talking to each other off and on. Well, the girl had gotten spaghetti sauce all over her mouth so Addy says "You have messy mouth!" The girl said, "No I don't!" She actually was getting mad at Adelynn. It was kind of funny. I reminded Addy that her mouth was messy as well.
Then, my mom had come over to watch her so I could go grocery shopping and when she was leaving Adelynn goes, "You suck grandma." What? Where did she get that from? We never say "You suck" around our house. Who knows. The things kids say.
Well hopefully her good looks will make up for the things she says. LOL
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July Weekend
I finally have time to post something. Addy is sick :( Which means I had to stay home from church tonight to be with her. The good thing is I've been able to cuddle with her, bad thing is she isn't herself. :( Currently she is sleeping in her own room, we'll see how long that lasts.
I thought I should post some events from this past weekend. We sure were busy!
First, we went to the Slater parade. Addy had a blast. She got to see her friend Juddson or " Juddsy"as she says. She has a liking for Juddson, I think it's because she's older so she feels like a mother to him or something. Than after the parade we went to Juddson's house and tried to take a nap... that didn't work. She was up in her play-pen talking from 1-4pm, no joke. We also played in Juddson's pool which she kept calling "Cool". She loved it! She kept saying, "This fun! This fun!"
Here's some pictures:
Her friend Owen was also there. They play really well together.
Too cute.
Sunday we were able to attend a baptism at Saylorville Baptist of a co-worker of Will's that recently got saved. It was such a blessing to be there to hear how her and her husband came to know the Lord. Then, after that, we went up to camp to visit my brother and sister-in-law and mom and dad. Addy was able to play with her cousins Shane and Anthony. I didn't get very many pictures.That was a good time too. Adelynn was able to see Owen again which she loved. They wanted to play with each other all the time. Again, cute. Here is Shane and Addy:
I hope you all had a good 4th too!! :)
I thought I should post some events from this past weekend. We sure were busy!
First, we went to the Slater parade. Addy had a blast. She got to see her friend Juddson or " Juddsy"as she says. She has a liking for Juddson, I think it's because she's older so she feels like a mother to him or something. Than after the parade we went to Juddson's house and tried to take a nap... that didn't work. She was up in her play-pen talking from 1-4pm, no joke. We also played in Juddson's pool which she kept calling "Cool". She loved it! She kept saying, "This fun! This fun!"
Here's some pictures:
Her friend Owen was also there. They play really well together.
Too cute.
Sunday we were able to attend a baptism at Saylorville Baptist of a co-worker of Will's that recently got saved. It was such a blessing to be there to hear how her and her husband came to know the Lord. Then, after that, we went up to camp to visit my brother and sister-in-law and mom and dad. Addy was able to play with her cousins Shane and Anthony. I didn't get very many pictures.That was a good time too. Adelynn was able to see Owen again which she loved. They wanted to play with each other all the time. Again, cute. Here is Shane and Addy:
I hope you all had a good 4th too!! :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Toupee Tuesday
So what has been going on the past week or so? Well, we've been busy, busy busy. :) We went for our ultrasound on Friday and found out we are having another girl! Yay! I am so thrilled for Addy to have a sister!!
My husband Will came up with an idea to have Toupee Tuesday, so here it is:
Haha, makes me laugh every time!!!
My husband Will came up with an idea to have Toupee Tuesday, so here it is:
Haha, makes me laugh every time!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So, this is not as easy as I thought. The whole blog thing. I think of all these good ideas during the day while I'm at work, then, by the time I come home I'm exhausted and can't think straight, let alone write a blog. :) I will have to work on this.
So the other day I was thinking about one of my highschool friends Bri. We used to work at Paper Warehouse together and we would hang out alot during highschool. While working at Paper Warehouse we found a giant stuffed dog in the back that was going to be thrown away. So, we took it. I couldn't find a picture of it, so this is as close as I could get:
We called him Pedro the dog. We would ride around in my '88 oldsmobile with the windows down and Pedro hanging his head out the back seat. With this song blasting from my stereo:
*Disclaimer- I have never seen this music video before.
Anyway, it was awesome. The looks we would get were priceless.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mowing the Lawn
I work 9 hour days 4 days out of the week and than get half a day, usually on Wednesdays. I don't pick Addy up from daycare until 3:30 because that way I don't interrupt her nap time/ lunch time. So today I decided to help out my hubby who had been gone all last week on a missions trip. He was pretty tired this morning and has to work all week as well.
I decided to mow the lawn (at least the front yard) :). So, I got the lawn mower out and started going to town. Five minutes later this is what pulls up to my neighbor's house...
She hires 2 guys to come and mow her lawn. They have a push mower, and a John Deere lawn mower. Not only can you sit on this one, but you can also stand. Really? I mean, come on, our lawns are really not that big.
So the 2 guys get out and the one that gets on the John Deere mower waves at me with this smile ( or should I say smirk?) on his face. I wave back as my prego belly and I keep pushing away at the lawn. I look over not more than 5 minutes later, and he had already mowed her lawn and was putting his mower back on the trailer. I was not even half way done with our lawn. They then proceeded to get these blower things that blow the grass away, and started to blow it in my driveway... what? Unbelievable. When I finally finished I ran in to get this picture, just as they were driving away. I was actually laughing to myself practically the whole time I was mowing. :)
I decided to mow the lawn (at least the front yard) :). So, I got the lawn mower out and started going to town. Five minutes later this is what pulls up to my neighbor's house...
She hires 2 guys to come and mow her lawn. They have a push mower, and a John Deere lawn mower. Not only can you sit on this one, but you can also stand. Really? I mean, come on, our lawns are really not that big.
So the 2 guys get out and the one that gets on the John Deere mower waves at me with this smile ( or should I say smirk?) on his face. I wave back as my prego belly and I keep pushing away at the lawn. I look over not more than 5 minutes later, and he had already mowed her lawn and was putting his mower back on the trailer. I was not even half way done with our lawn. They then proceeded to get these blower things that blow the grass away, and started to blow it in my driveway... what? Unbelievable. When I finally finished I ran in to get this picture, just as they were driving away. I was actually laughing to myself practically the whole time I was mowing. :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ham Bone...
Happy Monday! I thought we could all use a pick-me-up on a Monday. Will just came back from a week out in New Mexico and he was soo excited to show me this video. This seems like the type of person that would some how be related to me....
Hope this made you laugh like it did me!
Hope this made you laugh like it did me!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Mmm Spaghetti!!
We had spaghetti the other night and Addy loved it! This was just too classic...
We actually never cleaned it up, it's stained on her skin now. :)
Nooo.. we wouldn't do that...
Love that smile!
We actually never cleaned it up, it's stained on her skin now. :)
Nooo.. we wouldn't do that...
Love that smile!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Visiting my grandparents
This weekend I was able to visit my grandparents. We had such a good time! I don't get to see them that often, so it was a special time. Addy warmed right up to them! She even started calling them 'Great grandpa" and "Great Grandma".
My brother and I used to stay with my grandparents 2 weeks out of the summer. I understand now why my parents did that. :) My grandma had a garden behind her house and I always remember picking raspberries... mmm they were so good. My grandparents are both awesome examples of Christ. I also remember when I would get up early at their house, I would hear them talking in the kitchen so I would go up there and they would be reading the Bible and praying, so I would sit with them. I would kind of get bored because it seemed like they prayed forever. But I understand now that they are prayer warriors. They are such a blessing to me.
Here is Grandpa playing the Harmonica for Addy. She wasn't sure what to think of it. He played "Jesus loves me".
We also got to see my nephew, Anthony's last soccer game. Shane and Addy had fun rooting for him!:)
Here's Anthony, the star player!!
With grandpa!! :)
It was a fun weekend, and had fun spending time with family.
My brother and I used to stay with my grandparents 2 weeks out of the summer. I understand now why my parents did that. :) My grandma had a garden behind her house and I always remember picking raspberries... mmm they were so good. My grandparents are both awesome examples of Christ. I also remember when I would get up early at their house, I would hear them talking in the kitchen so I would go up there and they would be reading the Bible and praying, so I would sit with them. I would kind of get bored because it seemed like they prayed forever. But I understand now that they are prayer warriors. They are such a blessing to me.
Here is Grandpa playing the Harmonica for Addy. She wasn't sure what to think of it. He played "Jesus loves me".
We also got to see my nephew, Anthony's last soccer game. Shane and Addy had fun rooting for him!:)
Here's Anthony, the star player!!
With grandpa!! :)
It was a fun weekend, and had fun spending time with family.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Paul Todd time!
My brother, TJ is the funniest person I know. About 2 years back he made Will and I a DVD full of channel surfing. It was the most hilarous thing I've seen. If you ever want to watch it you'll have to let me know. Anyway, I thought it would be appropriate to post a Paul Todd song. This one is special because it has Paul Todd Jr. I was disappointed that he didn't have Paul Todd's hair,though.
and I decided to post a cute picture of my little Addy. Love her.
and I decided to post a cute picture of my little Addy. Love her.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
In case you wondered...
Greetings my 7 followers! :) I decided to post the song that served as the inspiration for my blog title. So, here it is. I may post 2, just for fun!
Here's the first one...
And here's the second, off the sweet show "Life goes on". Spanish subtitles included for those who don't know English
Oh Corky! I love your smile.
Here's the first one...
And here's the second, off the sweet show "Life goes on". Spanish subtitles included for those who don't know English
Oh Corky! I love your smile.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
"Whaley Will"
Will and I both work close to each other so we get to carpool together most days. Today we went to the doctors during our lunch for our routine check up for the baby. Everything looks good, heartbeat and all! We will get an ultrasound in 4 weeks. :) Can't wait
When I was dropping Will off he saw someone he knew named John. So he said. "John! John! Jiggly John!" I starting laughing, it was funny. So then we came up with one for Meesa (which is my nickname). It went like this, "Meesa! Meesa! Squishy Meesa!" hahaha! Which was really funny because the doctors had to squish my tummy to hear the heartbeat. So then I, being as witty as I am, (not) said, "Will! Will! Whaley, Will!" Wow. Good times. It's the little things in life. :)
When I was dropping Will off he saw someone he knew named John. So he said. "John! John! Jiggly John!" I starting laughing, it was funny. So then we came up with one for Meesa (which is my nickname). It went like this, "Meesa! Meesa! Squishy Meesa!" hahaha! Which was really funny because the doctors had to squish my tummy to hear the heartbeat. So then I, being as witty as I am, (not) said, "Will! Will! Whaley, Will!" Wow. Good times. It's the little things in life. :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
So, here we are. The Mitchell family. I've been kicking around the idea of blogging for a long time now, so I decided to go for it. Why not? Let me first introduce ourselves.
Here's Will...
I'm not really sure what he's hanging on to, but it makes me laugh every time.
Here's Adelynn..

Here's ??....
and here's me (Melissa)...

Hope you enjoy reading this blog. I'm by no means a writer, but at least I try. :)
Here's Will...
Here's Adelynn..
Here's ??....
and here's me (Melissa)...
Hope you enjoy reading this blog. I'm by no means a writer, but at least I try. :)
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